Free Trial
1 week, 10 lessons
With the Free Trial, you get 1 week of access to 10 lessons.
Each of the lessons takes about 15 minutes, so the total training time is 2.5 hours.
The 10 lessons include:
4 SHADOWING ACTIVITIES. In these activities, you will listen to fluent speakers using authentic English and you will shadow them.
3 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES. In these activities, you will use English for real communication, for example to solve problems. This helps to prepare you for shadowing.
3 AUDIO RECORDINGS. The recordings are original and interesting. And each recording is less than 4 minutes long, so it is easy to repeat listening and practice shadowing.
3 TRANSCRIPTS OF THE AUDIO RECORDINGS. The transcripts show exactly what the fluent speakers say in the recordings, so you can check what you hear. (This helps you to make the most of shadowing, and you might find new vocabulary and grammar too!)
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US $0 (... really, it's free!)